Do you know that with effect from 25 November 2008, it is a mandatory for employees returning from state-funded training course to share their knowledge with others. This would mean they need to post all relevant information to the State Civil Service knowledge-sharing portal for the benefit of other civil services.
The portal, which enables knowledge resources to be centralized in one unified system, was officially launched by Chief Minister, Pehin Sri Haji Abdul Taib Mahmud on the same day in conjunction with the State Public Service Assembly held at the State Indoor Stadium here in Petra Jaya.
The portal was viewed as the one place for civil service to get access to the latest information without much hassle. The knowledge to be contributed by these employees included documentation of their experience and opinions about the course, the seminar and conference materials. In addition, it is also a mandatory now for state employees to contribute teaching and course materials produced in the course of their work.
On the other hand, as a move to promote the use of this portal, an incentive to recognized and reward content contributors would also be implemented. So in conclusion, may I say this… civil servants who were sent to attend a course will now be really attached to the course from the start to the end of the course. No more “escaping” from the course, no more sleeping at the very back of the hall, and definitely no more getting your colleagues to sign for your attendance while you’ll be at home doing stuff that you weren’t suppose to do during office hours. Signing out. TheWonderWoman.
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